Edit/New Pattern

This window enables you to create or edit a pattern within a filter. A pattern is used to describe a set of files and/or folders that should either be included or excluded from a folder comparison.

For information about folder comparison filters, patterns, and why they are useful, see Folder Comparison Filters.


Select whether the pattern is to include or exclude matching files and/or folders in the folder comparison.


Select whether the pattern should match only files, only folders, or files and folders.


Enter the pattern text that should be matched against the names of file and folders. The pattern text can contain wildcard characters. * will match any sequence of characters excluding path separator (\ or /) characters, ** will match any sequence of characters, and ? will match any single character. You can include multiple pattern texts within the control if you separate them with a semicolon character. If the pattern text contains at least one path separator character then it will be matched against the path of each file or folder, relative to the folders that are being compared.

Example patterns can be found here.