Save File to URL

Use this window to choose a URL to save the file to.


Enter the URL of the file that you wish to save. You can choose a recently used URL from the drop-down list.

URL Description
C:\path\example.txt Local Windows paths can be specified.
\\some-host\share\path\file.txt UNC paths can be used to specify files on network shares. This example specifies a file file.txt on the share \\some-host\share\path\. Files on FTP servers can be specified. This example specifies a file notepad/notepad.cpp on the FTP server The absence of a user name and password in the URL means that Merge will use the user name and password for the server configured on the Credentials options page. For anonymous access to an FTP server, create an entry on the Credentials page with the user name anonymous and your email address as the password. For further information, see FTP File-System Plugin (Deprecated).

Line endings

Choose the format that you would like to use for the line-endings in the saved file. MSDOS and Windows files typically use a CR LF ending. UNIX files use LF, and Macintosh files use CR. If you want to preserve the line-endings, perhaps because the file should contain mixed line-endings, then select the Preserve option. The file will then be saved using the original (and edited) line endings.


This list shows all the character encodings supported by your computer. The encoding that is currently being used by the active file is prefixed with an asterisk (*).


Check this option if you want to use a language’s ANSI code page. The contents of the adjacent list will change to show code pages ordered by language and country.

Code pages

Check this option if you want to choose a specific code page number to use. The contents of the adjacent list will change to show code pages ordered by code page number.