ThreeWayMergeAction Object

This object represents a merging action that should be performed when merging changes from the first and third files into the central common ancestor file.



Valid when Type is twmaMarkConflict. Retrieves the number of lines in the conflict for the file specified by nFile. When marking conflicts, you would typically access this property three times (once for each possible value of nFile) to determine which lines in the three files should be marked as conflicting.

IDL [propget] HRESULT ConflictCount(
    [in] short nFile,
    [out, retval] long* pValue)
.NET Int32 get_ConflictCount(
    Int16 nFile)
  • nFile
    This value (0, 1, or 2) specifies determines which file for which the line count is required.


Valid when Type is twmaMarkConflict. Retrieves the line number on which the conflict starts for the file specified by nFile. When marking conflicts, you would typically access this property three times (once for each possible value of nFile) to determine which lines in the three files should be marked as conflicting.

IDL [propget] HRESULT ConflictLine(
    [in] short nFile,
    [out, retval] long* pValue)
.NET Int32 get_ConflictLine(
    Int16 nFile)
  • nFile
    This value (0, 1, or 2) specifies which file for which the line number is required.


Valid when Type is twmaMergeChange. Retrieves the number of lines in the file specified by MergeSourceFile that should be copied to the common ancestor file.

IDL [propget] HRESULT MergeFromCount([out, retval] long* pValue)
.NET Int32 MergeFromCount[get]


Valid when Type is twmaMergeChange. Retrieves the line number in the file specified by MergeSourceFile from which MergeFromCount lines should be copied into the common ancestor file.

IDL [propget] HRESULT MergeFromLine([out, retval] long* pValue)
.NET Int32 MergeFromLine[get]


Valid when Type is twmaMergeChange. Retrieves the file (0 or 2) from which lines should be copied to the common ancestor file.

IDL [propget] HRESULT MergeSourceFile([out, retval] short* pValue)
.NET Int16 MergeSourceFile[get]


Valid when Type is twmaMergeChange. Retrieves the number of lines in the common ancestor that should be replaced by the merged lines.

IDL [propget] HRESULT MergeToCount([out, retval] long* pValue)
.NET Int32 MergeToCount[get]


Valid when Type is twmaMergeChange. Retrieves the line number at which the merged lines should be inserted in the common ancestor file.

IDL [propget] HRESULT MergeToLine([out, retval] long* pValue)
.NET Int32 MergeToLine[get]


Indicates whether the action is a merging or conflict marking action.

IDL [propget] HRESULT Type([out, retval] ThreeWayMergeActionType* pValue)
.NET ThreeWayMergeActionType Type[get]