LongPreferences Object

This object provides access to Merge preferences that are represented by long integers. Use the (default) Item property to get and set these preferences.



Provides access to the specified preference long integer.

IDL [propget] HRESULT Item(
    [in] VARIANT index,
    [out, retval] long* pValue)
[propput] HRESULT Item(
    [in] VARIANT index,
    [in] long newValue)
.NET Int32 get_Item(
    Object index)
void set_Item(
    Object index, Int32 newValue)
  • index
    The index of the preference item of interest. The index can be either a numeric value from the ConfigLong enumeration, or a string version of the value (for example, “clTopLevelFilesOnly”). You can use the latter from scripting languages that do not have access to the symbolic enumeration constants.



Sets the value of the specified preference item. This method is provided for use by scripting languages that are unable to use the Item property.

    [in] VARIANT index,
    [in] long newValue)
.NET void Set(
    Object index,
    Int32 newValue)
  • index
    The index of the preference item of interest. The index can be either a numeric value from the ConfigLong enumeration, or a string version of the value (for example, “clTopLevelFilesOnly”). You can use the latter from scripting languages that do not have access to the symbolic enumeration constants.
  • newValue
    The new value of the preference item.