ConfigDouble Enumeration

This enumeration defines constants for the various preferences made available by the DoublePreferences Object. You can use the constant name as a string (e.g. “cdFolderLeftMargin”) from scripting languages that do not have access to the symbolic enumeration constants.

Constant Description
cdFolderLeftMargin The width of the left margin in folder comparison print outs. Units are specified using the clFolderPrintMarginUnits setting in LongPreferences.
cdFolderRightMargin The width of the right margin in folder comparison print outs.
cdFolderTopMargin The height of the top margin in folder comparison print outs.
cdFolderBottomMargin The height of the bottom margin in folder comparison print outs.
cdFileLeftMargin The width of the left margin in file comparison print outs. Units are specified using the clFilePrintMarginUnits setting in LongPreferences.
cdFileRightMargin The width of the right margin in file comparison print outs.
cdFileTopMargin The height of the top margin in file comparison print outs.
cdFileBottomMargin The height of the bottom margin in file comparison print outs.
cdTwoWayFolderWidth0 The relative width of the first major column in a two-way folder comparison window (0.0 <= width <= 1.0).
cdTwoWayFolderWidth1 The relative width of the second major column in a two-way folder comparison window (0.0 <= width <= 1.0).
cdThreeWayFolderWidth0 The relative width of the first major column in a three-way folder comparison window (0.0 <= width <= 1.0).
cdThreeWayFolderWidth1 The relative width of the second major column in a three-way folder comparison window (0.0 <= width <= 1.0).
cdThreeWayFolderWidth2 The relative width of the third major column in a three-way folder comparison window (0.0 <= width <= 1.0).