FolderSortOrder Enumeration

This enumeration defines the sort order for the folder comparison window. One value from each grouping can be bitwise ORed with values from other groupings to form a sort order. You can use the numeric values from scripting languages that do not have access to the symbolic enumeration constants.

Constant Value Description
fsoInvalid 0x0000 (0) Implies no custom sort order. Merge will use a default sorting order in folder comparison windows.
fsoAscending 0x0001 (1) Items will be sorted in ascending order (A before Z).
fsoDescending 0x0002 (2) Items will be sorted in descending order (Z before A).
Sort by
fsoByName 0x0004 (4) Items will be sorted by their names.
fsoByTimestamp 0x0008 (8) Items will be sorted by the timestamps.
fsoBySize 0x000C (12) Items will be sorted by size.
fsoByChangeCount 0x0040 (64) Items will be sorted by change count.
Controlling column
fsoColumn1 0x0010 (16) Items in column 1 control the sort order.
fsoColumn2 0x0020 (32) Items in column 2 control the sort order.
fsoColumn2 0x0030 (48) Items in column 3 control the sort order.